TRADE RULES: Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) & Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) | A presentation by Shalini Bhutani

The BRICS countries are opening up their markets to trade liberalisation and globalisation through the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and various bilateral and regional trade and investments agreements that are known as Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). All these agreements are driven by Transnational Corporations (based mostly in rich countries) to pry open markets in developing…

BRICS is fast turning into a free market ploy to loot natural resources: Medha Patkar

A two-day long People’s Forum on BRICS kick started today at the Xavier’s Centre for Historical Research, Alto Porvorim Goa. The opening plenary, chaired by renowned women’s rights and environmentalist activist Norma Alvares, saw eminent social movement leaders from the BRICS region addressing a gathering of over five hundred people from at least 10 countries…