People’s Forum: Programme Schedule | oct 13& 14 | Goa, India

People’s Forum on BRICS: Schedule of events | The People’s Forum will be held in Goa on 13-14 October, 2016. It will provide space for progressive trade unions, social movements, academia and civil society from the BRICS countries to share analysis on the developmental policies of the BRICS governments and their institutions, forward alternatives emerging from people’s movements, and build solidarity with each other’s struggles.

The Nuclear Power push in BRICS countries: Perspectives from People’s Movements | 13 october, 4pm to 6 pm

October 13, 16:00 to 18:00 Hrs. Hall no.1, Xavier Centre for Historical Research, Alto Porvorim After the Fukushima disaster – which is still unfolding, beyond total containment – many nations heavily dependent on nuclear fission power till then, decided to move away from this frankenstein energy source, often under immense public pressure. The global nuclear…

Parliamentary oversight on New Development Bank and IFIs | 13 October, 4 to 6 pm

13 October 4.00 pm  -6.00 pm Hall No (H3) Xavier’s Centre of Historical Research, Alto Porvorim, Goa BRICS countries received 25% of World Bank lending from 1945 to 2015 according to World Bank lending data. AIIB and NDB have announced loans of $509 million and $911 million. These loans have been signed and announced while…

PALESTINE: How to build solidarity in BRICS countries | 13 October, 2pm to 4 pm

October 13, 2pm to 4 pm, Hall no.3, Xavier Centre for Historical Research, Alto Porvorim People and governments in BRICS countries have important legacies and experiences of support for the struggle of the Palestinian people for their land and rights. Yet, today Israeli exports to BRICS defense, agricultural and consumer markets finance much of the costs…

Food Sovereignty, Nutritional and Agrarian Crisis: Voices of communities from BRICS countries | 13 October, 2pm-4pm

13 October 2016, 2pm-4pm  Hall No 2 Xavier’s Centre of Historical Research, Alto Porvorim, Goa Since the onset of globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation in 1991, traditional agricultural practices and the native/ collective wisdom of peasants and farmers are under continuous attack and their symbiotic relationship with land, water bodies, seeds, commons and other natural resources…