Summit for Global Solidarity, Hamburg (July 2017)

Location: Kampnagel International cultural factory

Wednesday, 5.7.2017

– – – – – 10:00 – 12:30 hrs – kick-off event – – – – –

Globalization reloaded The G20 and global crisis management

Neoliberal globalization has resulted in the great crisis of capitalism, which has embraced different forms since 2007 – from the mortgage crisis in the US to the global financial crisis of the euro crisis, which ultimately shook Europe’s cohesion and caused political crises in a number of countries. We are currently confronted with a rise of authoritarian populism, with nationalism and racism as well as protectionist tendencies. The G20 sees itself as a global crisis manager, but how is it able to deal with the conflicting national interests and political paths that Trump, Merkel, Putin, Erdogan and others have taken? How does the state club of the emerging economic powers BRICS, in view of changing political and economic power relations? Does he stand for alternatives or old wine in new tubes?

What is the effect of changes in the working world through digitization and automation for workers’ rights and trade union representation? What does postindustrialism mean for us and catching up in the global South? How do we deal with new technologies to combat global warming? How do all these challenges change social relations and gender relations? How can the inequality between and in our countries be further deepened?

Opening speech:

Vandana Shiva, civil rights activist and ecologist, winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize

Afterwards discussion with:

Vandana Shiva

Valter Sanches (Secretary-General industriALL Global Union) (requested)

Patrick Bond (University of Witwatersrand, South Africa)

Barbara Unm ig (Heinrich Böll Foundation )

Moderation: Silke Helfrich (Commons Strategies Group, Germany), Ulrich Brand (University of Vienna, Austria)

– – – – – 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break – – – – –

– – – – – 14:00 16:00 hours – – – – –

Panel 1: Who is the economist?

With its neoliberal policy, the G20 is trying to lubricate the engine of the global economy. It wants to combat poverty and reduce inequality through “inclusive growth”. But this equation does not work: the gap between rich and poor is increased. The investment and growth policy of the G20 heats up the planet and destroys the natural lifeblood of those who are already on the brink anyway.New poverty and lack of opportunities, flight, migration or the inflow of the IS are the consequences. The causes are not successfully tackled as long as they are not seized at their roots: profit maximization for few rather than one economy, which provides care and need satisfaction for all. Rule of law and citizen democracy rather than license to steal for the powerful.

In addition to analysis and criticism, this panel is also intended to provide suggestions for soft-mindedness towards an economy based on co-operation and acknowledging and appreciating care as a supporting pillar, an economy that serves the human being and not vice versa. Not the alternatives are the utopia. Utopian is the assumption that the old system is enkeltauglich and future-oriented!



Nick Hildyard (Corner House, UK)

Friederike Habermann ( author and independent movement activist)

Moderation: Ute Scheub (journalist)

At the same time: Workshopphase 1

– – – – – 16:30 – 18:30 hours – – – – –

Podium 2: Gemeing over the world – limitless solidarity against privatization

In response to the financial crisis in 2008, global rules for a stable financial economy should be agreed within the G20 in order to bring them within its borders. Instead, the financial sector has continued to grow. In the search for increasingly new investment opportunities, public infrastructures of general interest are increasingly being looked at. Institutional investors such as insurance companies or pension funds are mobilized for public-private partnerships. This is a global phenomenon which, in particular, is driving the G20 as a whole in the context of its growth and investment strategies and against which we must defend ourselves globally.

What are the social and ecological consequences of this development? What does that mean for the wellbeing of housing, water, energy, nursing and the relationship between citizens and local authorities? What does this model mean for countries of the global South, specifically for Africa, where the German G20 presidency wants to push ahead with investment initiatives in so-called partnerships?


Global Solidarity Summit

Hamburg, 5-6 July, 2017

Preliminary program outline

Wednesday, 5 July, 2017


Opening Panel:

Globalisation reloaded – The G20 und Global Crises Management

Keynote lecture:

Vandana Shiva (Political activist, ecologist and winner of the Right Livelihood Award, India)

Panel discussion with:

Vandana Shiva

Valter Sanches (General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union) (tbc))

Patrick Bond (University of Witwatersrand, South Africa)

Barbara Unmüßig (Heinrich Boell Foundation Berlin, Germany)

Moderators: Silke Helfrich (Commons Strategies Group, Germany), Ulrich Brand (University of Vienna, Austria)


Lunch break


Panel 1: An economy for whom?



Nick Hildyard (Corner House, UK)

Friederike Habermann (author and activist)

Moderator: Ute Scheub (journalist)

Parallel: workshops, phase 1

16:30 – 18:30

Panel 2:

In Defense of the Commons: United against the Privatisation of Public Goods


Nancy Alexander (Heinrich Boell Foundation, Washington)

Jana Mattert (Gemeingut in BuergerInnenhand, Berlin)

Fanwell Kenala Bokosi (Afrodad, Simbabwe)

Moderator: N.N.

Panel 3: Peace politics beyond NATO and the militarization of the EU


Colonel Ann Wright (US-Peace Movement, Codepink, USA)

Corazon Valdez Fabros (Speaker of Stop the War Campaign, Philippines)

Rainer Braun (Co-President of the International Peace Bureau, Germany,)

Nuray Sancar (Peace Movement in Turkey, Deputy Chairman of Emek Partisi /Party of work)

Moderators: Willi van Ooyen (Federal Council Friedensratschlag), Kristine Karch (No to War – No to NATO).

Parallel: workshops, phase 2

18:30 – 19:30


19:30 – 21:30

Plenary discussion:

Local, national, European and global alternatives to the politics of the G20


Ada Colau (Mayor of Barcelona, Spain) (tbc)

Salih Muslim (Co-Chairman of PYD, Syria)

Klaus Busch (Professor of political science, University of Osnabrueck)

Jane Nalunga (Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute – SEATINI)

Moderators: Silke Helfrich (Commons Strategies Group), Ulrich Brand (University of Vienna)

Thursday, 6 July, 2017


Panel 4: Global justice and development, Climate Justice and Food Sovereignty


Klaus Seitz (VENRO, Brot für die Welt, Berlin)

Johanna Böse-Hartje (Peasant, Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft)

Frank Ademba (MVIWATA, Tansania)

Mariann Bassey (Friends of the Earth, Nigeria)

Jennifer Morgan (Managing Director Greenpeace International, USA)

Moderatior: Tanja Busse (Author and Journalist)

Panel 5: Global Struggles against neoliberalism and for democracy


Zoe Konstantopoulou (Greece)

John Hilary (War on Want, Great Britain )

Alberto Acosta (Ecuador)

Moderator: N.N.

Parallel: workshops, phase 3


Lunch break


Panel 6: For an open society: Solidarity against border fencing and racism


Marta Sanchez (Mexico)

Elizabeth Ngari (Women in Exile, Germany/Kenia)

Azaryuon Matin (Afghanistan)

Ali Alassane (Niger/Lampedusa in Hamburg)

N.N. (Westafrica)

Moderator: Conni Gunßer (Refugees Council Hamburg and Africa- Europe Interact)

Panel 7: Overcoming inequality, enforcing Gender Justice


Agnes Abuom (TAABCO, Kenia)

Christa Randzio-Plath (VENRO, Marie-Schlei-Verein)

Cornelia Creischer, Netzwerk Landesfrauenrat Hamburg

Portia Sarfo (Eine-Welt-Netzwerk Hamburg)

Tobias Hauschild  (Oxfam)

Moderator: Carsta Neuenroth (VENRO, Bread for the world)

Parallel: workshops, phase 4

16:00 – 16:30


16:30 – 18:30

Panel 8: Cooperation, not confrontation – How to implement common security as a paradigm for future policy?


Norman Paech (Expert for International Law, Germany )

Kate Hudson (General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), UK)

Colonel Ann Wright (Whistleblower, Code Pink, US-Peace Movement, USA)

Arielle Denis (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), France )

Andreas Zumach (Author, Germany ) (tbc)

Moderation: Hambur Forum, Bremer Peace Forum

Parallel: Workshops, phase 5




Final panel discussion:

Towards a progressive International

Strategies against neoliberalism and the new right


Angela Davis (tbc)

Srećko Horvat (DiEM25, Croatia)

Hans-Jürgen Urban (IG Metall-Vorstand) (tbc))

Jayati Ghosh (Jawaharlal-Nehru-Universität, India)

Moderator: Mario Candeias (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Berlin, Germany)
