13 October
Hall No 4
Xavier’s Centre of Historical Research, Alto Porvorim, Goa
The energy sector is an important site of resistance across BRICS countries and throughout much of the world. With a looming climate crisis, and fossil fuel use continuing to dominate the world’s energy mix despite the expansion of the renewable sector, the question of ‘energy transitions’ will be a key axis of class struggles in the years ahead.
This 3 hour workshop will discuss the implications of climate change policy on the energy sector, in the context of energy systems that are presently dependent on coal. It will also address the challenges of a renewable sector dominated by large private sector companies. What are the implications of decreasing coal use for coal workers and local communities whose livelihoods are dependent on coal extraction? In addition the burgeoning renewable sector has a trade union density much lower than in the coal sector, which raises questions about labour rights and democratic control.
The question then is how to realistically envisage a just transition that takes the above complexities into account and promotes energy democracy, including labour rights, decent work and public control over new and evolving energy systems.
Organised by
Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) and Transnational Institute (TNI)
For more information write to:
Sean Sweeney, (TUED)
Benny Kuruvilla, (TNI)